
Frequently Asked Questions about Ordering & Licensing

Are the licenses permanent?

There are two options:
1. One year (365 days) license with Premium maintenance and free updates included.
2. Perpetual license for version 6 only. All 6.x updates are free. The 7.0 update will be free if it's released within next 12 months.

How many licenses do I need?

Dr.Explain is licensed on "per Windows user account" schema.
The application is installed into a certain Windows user account. Therefore, you need a license for every Dr.Explain installation, even if all the installations were made on a single physical PC.

Are the new version upgrades paid?

For one-year licenses all updates are free.

For perpetual licenses all minor updates (e.g., 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, ... 6.x) are free.
There may be charges for major updates for those who ordered more than 12 months ago. However even paid upgrades are offered with significant discounts.

What's the difference between Basic and Premium maintenance?

Basic maintenance is free for all users and includes email support. This is a best-effort service.
If your organization requires a guaranteed response times, paid Premium Maintenance may be the ideal support solution for your needs. In short, Premium Maintenance includes the following options:
* High priority email support
* Guaranteed initial response time
* Unlimited number of requests
* Direct support from company's engineers
* Remote access session

For more details read Premium Maintenance Agreement

Does Dr.Explain require publishing and viewing licenses, or just publishing?

You need a license only for editing and creating documentation. No license is required for distribution or reading final files.

I'm a user of version 1.x-4.x. How can I upgrade?

To receive instruction on upgrade from versions 1.x-5.x to version 6.x please visit this section:

I've replaced my PC. How can I transfer my Dr.Explain license to another computer?

1. Uninstall Dr.Explain on your old PC.
2. Install Dr.Explain on your new PC\Laptop.
3. Enter your current license key into a new copy of Dr.Explain on new PC.

How often are new versions released?

There is no an exact schedule of updates.
We release minor updates about twice per year.
Major updates are released approximately once per 3-4 years on average. Technical updates and bug fixes are released as soon as possible, monthly or biweekly.

I have license for version 6.0. Will it work in version 6.1 or 6.4?

A license key for versions 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 will work in version 6.5, 6.9 and all future 6.x versions.

Do you provide discounts?

Yes. There is a complete list of discount options at Dr.Explain Discounts page

Is VAT tax included in price for European customers?

No. VAT tax isn't included in price.

Upon purchase, all European customers are asked to provide their VAT ID number. If you provide your VAT ID then no VAT charge will be added to the order. Otherwise a corresponding VAT charge will be added to your order.

I need an invoice for my order. Where can I get it?

There is a link to your invoice on your Self-Serving Customer page. You may find the link to your Self-Serving Customer page in your order receipt e-mail message.
If you have problems with finding your invoice please send a request to and provide your order number and details.

Can we pay for the license with Purchase Order?

Yes. Please choose "Purchase Order" as a method of payment in order form. You'll be provided with further instructions.

Can we order Dr.Explain software from a local reseller?

Yes. Please find a list of Dr.Explain key resellers at Local Resellers page.

How can we become an authorized reseller of Dr.Explain software?

Simply send your request to . We're permanently looking for new partners.

If I go on to order a license, and apply it, will my evaluation project have the watermarks removed? Must I rebuild it from scratch?

You may use the Dr.Explain in unregistered mode as long as you wish.
You may freely create and edit your project but all images in unregistered mode will be marked with a watermark upon output.
Once you order a license key and register your copy, all watermarks will be removed. There is no need to redo the work once again.

If you have more questions please contact us.