
Application settings window

In the Application settings window, you can configure the global settings for Dr.Explain. To open the application settings window, go to Options and click the Application settings... menu option.
The following dialog window will appear:
Application settings window

Splash screen

1. Splash screen
Clear this check box if you do not want the splash screen to appear each time you start Dr.Explain.

Load last project

2. Load last project
Check this option to open the most recent project by default and skip the project selection mode on start-up.


3. Autosave
Use this section to enable/disable autosaving of the project. You can set the time interval and destination folder for autosaving.

Capturing scenario folder

4. Capturing scenario folder
Use this section to set the path to the capturing scenario folder.
Click the (...) button to set a new path. Click Go To button to display the current scenario folder in Windows Explorer. For more details on capturing scenarios, see the Screen capturing settings section.

Swing capturing assistant

5. Swing capturing assistant
To capture Java applications Dr.Explain requires the Java Swing Capturing Assistant. The Assistant is a simple JAR file that must be put in your Java Home folder.
It will assist Dr.Explain by providing information about Swing GUI components lying under the mouse pointer.
Use the corresponding button to install or uninstall Java Swing Capturing Assistant.


6. OKPress the button to accept all changes and close the dialog.


7. CancelPress the button to close the dialog and to discard the changes.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain