
Inserting horizontal line

You can insert a horizontal line into your topic by clicking the tool button or the down arrow button  next to the Variable button and selecting the Horizontal line... menu option or use Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut.
Dr.Explain displays the following dialog:
Inserting horizontal line

Width value measurement

1. Width value measurement
Specify the measurement for the line width here: either in % or pixels.

Line width

2. Line width
Specify the line width here.

Line height

3. Line height
Define line height here (in pixels).

Line alignment

4. Line alignment
Here you can select the alignment.


5. Clear
This parameter specifies where the next line should appear in a browser after the line break created by this element. This attribute takes into account floating objects (images, tables, etc.).
Possible values:
  • none: the line will be drawn normally (default value);
  • left: the line will be drawn below any preceding float-left objects;
  • right: the line will be drawn below any preceding float-right objects;
  • both: the line will be drawn below any preceding float objects.

Line color

6. Line color
You can change the color of the line by clicking the color and selecting the necessary one from the pop-up menu:
Click Custom to specify a custom color.


7. OKPress this button to accept the changes and insert a line.


8. CancelPress the button to close the dialog and to discard the changes.
If you plan to insert similar lines later on in your topics, you can just copy-paste them.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain