
PDF footer settings

In this dialog window, you can configure the footer of the PDF pages.
To customize the PDF page footer for the current project either:
  • go the Options menu and select the Project settings menu option;
  • or click the button in the application toolbar.
Then proceed to PDF Export / PDF page settings / Header section.
The following dialog window will appear:
PDF footer settings

Distinct layout for odd and even pages

1. Distinct layout for odd and even pages
Check this option to configure a different layout for odd and even pages.

Odd page footer

2. Odd page footer
Use this section to customize the footer for odd (1,3,5,etc.) pages of the generated PDF file.

Even page footer

3. Even page footer
Use this section to customize the footer for even (2,4,6,etc.) pages of the generated PDF file.


4. OKPress the button to accept all changes and close the dialog.


5. CancelPress the button to close the dialog and to discard the changes.


6. HelpPress the button to show the context help page.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain