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In common settings you can configure how Dr.Explain generates new names to the new topics you create.
Generate a filename using relative numbering (like in previous versions)
Select this option button if you want to generate file names using relative numbering (as in previous versions of Dr.Explain).
Generate a filename by title
Select this option button if you want to generate file names using their titles.
Automatic numeration for topics
Check this option to enable automatic numbering for the project topics. Use options bellow to customize the numbering format and style.
Exclude topic numbers from content
Check this option to show topic numbers in the table of contents, topic lists, and search results only.
Topic level
Use the numbered buttons to select a topic level you want to customize.
Type of numbering
Use this drop-down to set the numbering type for a certain level of topics.
Type of delimiter
Use this drop-down to set the delimiter type for a certain level of topics.
Final delimiter
Use this option to enable or disable the delimiter sign in the end of the number for current topic level.
Level addition
Use this parameter to add previous level's number to current number.
The preview area displays numbering style of all levels at once. Currently selected level is colored with black. Also, you can click a level you want to customize.
Press the button to accept all changes and close the dialog.
Press the button to close the dialog and to discard the changes.
Press the button to show the context help page.
Press this button to import settings from another project or to reset file names of all topics to automatically generated values.