
Import dialog

By using the Import function you can import existing documentation to your Dr.Explain projects and later publish it in the required format.
There are two ways to bring up the Import dialog:
  • go to the File menu and select the Import... menu option;
  • if you want to add an external file after a certain TOC topic, right-click the necessary topic, go to the Add... menu option and then choose the Import external files... menu option or use Alt+Shift+I shortcut.
After you select the Import... option, the following dialog appears:
Import dialog

Format list

1. Format list
This window lists all types of supported file formats that can be imported to Dr.Explain.
Select the file format that you would like to import to your documentation. Go to the corresponding topic later on in this document to learn the details on how to import each supported file format.

Close button

2. Close buttonClick the the button to close the dialog and abort import process.
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